April 12, 2016
A very tasty and delicate dish with a seasonal vegetable full of properties
- 1 bunch of asparagus (500 gr)
- 120 Gr pistacchi sgusciati non salati
- 1 mazzetto di prezzemolo fresco
- 70 Gr parmigiano reggiano grattuggiato
- 3 Cucchiai di Olio extravergine d’oliva
- 3 cubetti di ghiaccio
- Sale e pepe qb
Per prima cosa pulite e cuocete gli asparagi:
- Eliminate la parte legnosa, spellate i gambi con un pelapatate, e cuocete in acqua salata per 7 minuti;
- Keep the boiling water aside, drain the asparagus, cooling them under cold running water, separate the tips and cut the stems into rings.
- Now take the pistachios and blanch them for a few minutes in a small saucepan ; this procedure will facilitate you; the cleaning of pistachios from the skin that covers them.
Now prepare the pistachio cream:
- Transfer the peeled pistachios (keeping a handful aside for decoration) into a blender with the parsley leaves, oil, ice cubes, salt and pepper.
- Now add the Parmesan to the cream and pour the mixture into a bowl.
Finally, cook the trofie:
- Dilute the cream with a few tablespoons of cooking water and once ready, transfer the trofie with the cream into a pan to cream
- Add the slices of asparagus, mix everything until the flavors blend well.
asparagus tips set aside and the leftover pistachios, reduced to a large she.
A very tasty and delicate dish with a seasonal vegetable rich in properties;
Enjoy your meal!