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Cauliflower dumplings with shallot sauce

October 9, 2017

October is dumpling month! Here is the proposal of Professional Pots


For the gnocchi:

  • 500gr Cavolfiore
  • 100ml Acqua
  • 300gr Farina x impasti senza glutine

Per il sugo:

  • 4 Scalogni
  • 130ml Latte
  • 65gr Burro
  • Santoreggia, Sale, Pepe QB



  • Lavare il cavolfiore. Trim off the tops and discard the central stem of the cauliflower. Wash with running water and dry.
  • Chop the raw cauliflower and put it in a boule.

  • water and flour, mix until you obtain a homogeneous and compact mixture
  • Form rolls with a diameter of about 2cm and gradually cut the gnocchi. Repeat the operation until the dough is finished. Arrange the gnocchi on a clean and lightly floured tea towel.

  • Cut the shallots into thin slices, braise slowly for 15’ in a pan with a knob of butter, adding a little water if necessary to prevent it from burning.
  • Heat the milk and melt the butter in it. Combine everything with the braised shallots and cook for another 5 minutes.

  • Add some savory leaves and pass everything to the mixer, then adjust the salt.
  • Boil a saucepan with plenty of salted water, when boiling add the gnocchi.
  • Drain when they float to the surface and serve with the shallot sauce and a sprinkle of pepper to taste.