July 7, 2016
A tasty, fresh dish with Indian notes suitable for the hot season, which will make you look great in just a few quick steps
- 400 gr ceci lessati
- 100 gr di salsa tahina (pasta di sesamo)
- 12/15 gamberi
- 1 bicchiere brodo vegetale
- 2 frutti della passione
- Basilico fresco
- Olio extravergine d’oliva qb
- Sale qb
- Paprika dolce qb
- Casseruola antiaderente Pentole Agnelli
- Tegame antiaderente Pentole Agnelli
Per prima cosa pulite i gamberi:
- Eliminate le teste ei gusci
- Incidete il dorso ed eliminate il filamento nero interno
- Lavateli sotto abbondante acqua corrente
- Fateli scolare e asciugare su del panno carta.
Now prepare the simple marinade:
- Put the prawns in a bowl and sprinkle them with extra virgin olive oil, salt and fresh chopped basil.
- Leave to marinate for at least 1 hour.
In the meantime, prepare the vegetable broth with vegetables of your choice and a little salt. of parsley in a saucepan.
At this point prepare the chickpea hummus:
- of paprika and blend everything.
- Check the consistency and add the broth depending on how creamy you want your hummus to be.
Finally, it is all ready to serve:
- Pour your humus into the bowls, place the prawns on top (5/6 each), a pinch of sweet paprika, a few leaves of basil to taste and finally decorate with a teaspoon with the passion fruit.