June 29, 2017
Here's a dish that makes the classic beef fillet much more delicious and inviting! Discover the recipe!!!
- 2 slices of beef fillet approximately 2 fingers thick (400/500g of fillet)
- 1 small chopped onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- ½ shallots
- 1 fresh chilli pepper
- ½ red pepper
- 150g cherry tomatoes
- 50ml red wine
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- ½ tablespoon of Dijon mustard
- 300 g of pitted cherries (the weight refers to the cherries already de-stoned)
- Black pepper, salt, extra virgin olive oil to taste
- Aluminum radiant pan for creaming by Pentole Agnelli
- High flared radiant pan by Pentole Agnelli
- Euroceppi rectangular cutting board
Let's start preparing the chutney:
- > Finely chop the onion and shallot. Pour everything into a pan with a clove of poached garlic and a drizzle of oil. Let it dry over a moderate heat, making sure they don't burn.
- After a few minutes, add the coarsely chopped tomatoes and deprived of the excess water to the pan, then the pepper, also previously chopped. Season with salt, pepper and add the chilli pepper and continue to mix until the vegetables are cooked and soft.
- Pour the wine, vinegar and sugar and continue cooking for about 5-6 minutes. Add the pitted and chopped cherries and a spoonful of mustard, then continue cooking until the mixture is smooth and thick. homogeneous.
- Put the still hot chutney in a jar and set aside.
- Season the fillet with 1 tablespoon of oil, salt and pepper, massaging it with your hands on all sides and let it rest on a plate for 15 minutes.
- Take a pan and heat a spoonful of oil; brown the fillet slices on both sides over high heat, then cook for about 3’30” per side to get medium doneness.
- fillet and accompany it with the previously prepared cherry chutney.