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Agnelli Pots Battery: buy the Al Black Non-stick set for only 127.00 euros and you can create a complete menu for 3/4 people!

Agnelli's Al Black non-stick cookware is the answer to those looking for a convenient set, but at the same time of quality and with excellent performance in the kitchen.

The Al Black battery  by Pentole Agnelli is the perfect choice for your home. characterized by aluminum bodies and an innovative coating called B-Crystal which guarantees very long life, an internally and externally non-stick coating which facilitates cleaning with any detergent and allows washing in the dishwasher. 

The non-stick also allows cooking with low fat content and consequently more cooking. healthy!

The Al Black Battery is the best choice. recommended for a family of 3-4 people and is ideal for families. consisting of: a high saucepan with two handles with a diameter of 24, a high saucepan with a handle with a diameter of 16, a frying pan with a diameter of 24, a saucepan with two handles with a diameter of 32 and a lid with a diameter of 24, versatile for cooking different dishes and useful for creating a menu; business suit.

Here is an idea to create three simple and quick dishes to serve on your tables with the use of Al Black Battery.

  penne al salmone      padella casseruola alta

Primo piatto: Pennette al salmone


  • 350g di pennette
  • 25 g di burro
  • 200 g di salmone
  • 200 ml di panna
  • 50 ml di passata di pomodoro
  • 2 cucchiai di prezzemolo tritato


  • Per pima cosa prendere la casseruola alta con due manici e far bollire la pasta 
  • In the meantime, prepare the salmon sauce: first cut the salmon into strips with the help of a kitchen knife
  • Take the sauté pan and melt the butter. Add the salmon and sear it slightly until cooked through. will not change; color
  • Add the cream and the tomato and cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes
  • Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce. Add the parsley and serve at the table.

  orata mediterranea       tegame

Secondo piatto: Orata alla mediterranea


  • 4-5 filetti di orata
  • 25 pomodori datterini
  • 20-25 olive taggiasche
  • 20-25 capperi
  • Sale qb
  • Pepe qb
  • olio extravergine qb
  • 1 spicchio d'aglio


  • far bollire le patate nella casseruola alta con due manici
  • All'interno del tegame di diamentro 32 mettere dell'olio e lo spicchio d'aglio.
  • Add the previously cut datterini tomatoes, creating a sauce. After about 8-10 minutes of cooking, add the sea bream, capers and olives.
  • Cook everything over low heat for about 10 minutes, closing the pan with a lid.
  • When cooked, season with salt and pepper.
  • When the potatoes are boiled, remove the peel and cut them into thin slices.
  • Place the potatoes on the plates, distributing them on the bottom, placing the sea bream fillet on top.

salsa fragole casseruola alta 1 manico

Dessert: Crema di Fragole con Gelato alla panna


  • 120 g di zucchero
  • 350 g di fragole
  • mezzo bicchiere d'acqua
  • gelato alla panna


  • Per prima cosa lavare con attenzione le fragole togliendo il picciolo verde
  • Tagliarle a pezzi e inserirle in un frullatore con due cucchiai d'acqua creando una purea liscia.
  • With the help of a strainer, filter the puree.
  • Take the saucepan with a handle and dissolve the sugar in the remaining water.
  • When the sugar is gone; dissolved and the compound will start; when it boils, add the strawberry purée and mix, leaving it to cook for 4-5 minutes.
  • When the sauce is ready, when finished, let it cool for a few minutes and serve at the table with two scoops of ice cream

The Al Black Battery  by Pentole Agnelli available on the Professional Pots at the price of 127.00 euros . Take advantage of the offer!