May 21, 2015
Today we offer you two recipes where the simplicity of the chosen ingredients make these two dishes elegant and with a refined flavour. Which of the two do you prefer? Try both recipes!
Prosecco and saffron : these are the protagonists of our two recipes. With simple steps you can make two fantastic dishes to offer to your guests. What will be the the winner?
Now let's see how to make the two recipes:
INGREDIENTI (per 4 persone):
- 320 g di riso
- 3 dl di prosecco a temperatura ambiente
- 40 g di cipolla tritata finemente
- 100 g di burro
- 8 dl di brodo leggero di pollo
- 60 gr di parmigiano grattuggiato
- 1 cucchiaio d'olio d'oliva
- Far rosolare la cipolla con un cucchiaio di olio d'oliva e 20 g di burro in una casseruola bassa.
- Add the rice and let it toast for a few minutes. Wet with half the of prosecco .
- When the wine is ready, evaporated, wet the rice with the broth until it is covered, stirring repeatedly with a wooden spoon.
- When the rice is about 2 minutes away from being ready, finish cooking with the remaining prosecco
- When cooked, remove the rice from the heat and stir in the butter and Parmesan
INGREDIENTI (per 4 persone)
- 320 g di riso
- 1 dl di vino bianco
- 40 g di cipolla tritata finemente
- 100 g di burro
- 8 dl fi brodo leggero di pollo
- 80 gr di parmigiano grattuggiato
- 1 bustina di zafferano
- Far rosolare in una casseruola la cipolla con un cucchiaio di olio d'oliva e 20 g di burro
- Unire il riso, lasciarlo tostare un paio di minuti e bagnare con il vino bianco
- Quando il vino sarà evaporated, wet the rice with the broth until it is covered, stirring repeatedly with a wooden spoon.
- halfway through cooking, add the saffron adding the broth little by little as it evaporates.
- When the rice is ready; cooked, remove it from the heat and stir in the butter and Parmesan.
Which of the two is there? liked best?