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Soup of turnip tops and Brussels sprouts

December 16, 2016

A great vegetarian recipe

INGREDIENTS FOR 3 PEOPLE Vellutata di Cime di Rapa e Cavolini di Bruxelles

  • 200gr Cavolini Bruxelles
  • 400gr Cime di Rapa
  • 150gr Topinambur
  • 200gr Cavolfiore
  • 200gr Zucca
  • 2 Fette pane in cassetta GF
  • 1 Scalogno
  • 1lt Brodo Vegetale
  • 1 spicchio d’Aglio
  • Olio, Sale, Pepe QB


procedure :

Vellutata di Cime di Rapa e Cavolini di Bruxelles

  • Clean shallots, turnip greens and sprouts. Cut everything into small pieces.
  • Heat a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a saucepan, add the chopped shallots and flavor for about a minute. Pour in the turnip greens and the sprouts and brown for a couple of minutes, then add the turnip tops and the sprouts. cover with the hot vegetable broth and cook for about 25/30'.

Vellutata di Cime di Rapa e Cavolini di Bruxelles

  • In the meantime, clean the cauliflower and cut some florets to cook for 20’ steam, remove the peel from the pumpkin and Jerusalem artichokes, slice them and quickly sauté them in a pan over high heat with a drizzle of oil and a clove of garlic. They should soften but remain crunchy. At the end salt and pepper lightly.
  • Once the cooking time for the soup has elapsed, puree everything with a mixer to obtain a smooth and rather thick cream. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cut the fontina cheese into small cubes, toast the slices of sandwich bread and finally serve the cream, garnishing it with the vegetables, toasted bread and cheese cubes.
  • Dress with a drizzle of EVO oil

Vellutata di Cime di Rapa e Cavolini di Bruxelles